
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday

Not many people get excited about Lent decorations, but a dear friend of mine gave me this centerpiece for the table 3 or 4 years ago and I still love pulling it out each year to have a daily visual reminder that we are in the season of lent. Calvin and I did not attend an Ash Wednesday service this year, however with the recent deaths in our family I believe this year the Genesis scripture "Remember that thou are dust, and to dust thou shall return" is settling in more than ever. I have been asked where the tradition of ashes stemmed from and I believe it is a symbol for expressing sorrow for our sins. Fasting or giving up a luxury item during lent is also a traditional way to remember Jesus' time in the desert. I am currently not planning to fast from a particular item, but instead I plan to focus on changing a couple habits and redirect my energy to the service of others.

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